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Mediator was written by Jules Cisek (aka Buddha-Pest)

(c) 2001,2002 J.Cisek



mediator is a tool for half-life server admins who run Cheating-Death on their server.

it enforces a Cheating-Death policy somewhere in between optional and required. only players who have a good kill/death ratio are required to run C-D. this allows newbies to enjoy the server while preventing cheaters from ruining game play.


if you wish to search for mediated only servers, set up a filter that uses something like this:

sv_contact contains "MED"

while in game, you can get a list of players that mediator requires to run Cheating-Death by saying:


if mediator is kicking you, make sure Cheating-Death is running.  if C-D is running and you're still getting kicked, you may need to upgrade to the latest version of Cheating-Death.



please read the included README and INSTALL instructions for your platform.  when configuring mediator, make sure you read the comments in the mediator.cfg file as well.

please use the Mediator Forum if you have any problems with the software installation or execution.

check the news section often for new releases. as Cheating-Death matures, changes take places that can effect mediator. if you upgrade Cheating-Death for your server and mediator stops working, you may need to upgrade your mediator as well.

How it works:

mediator sniffs server logs and uses KKrcon to talk to your half-life server and a single mediator can support multiple hlds servers with server unique configurations

log sniffing is done in a variety of ways:

MODE 1 - listener

mediator can listen to a logaddress.  if you have multiple servers logging to the same logaddress, mediator will differentiate between them.

mediator also has support for tools like splitlog, that split the udp packets for use by multiple listeners.  (however, due to the limitations of splitlog (which forgets where the packet came from) a single mediator can only mediate one server at a time when running with splitlog.)

MODE 2 - stdin

you can pipe a file or the output of another program to mediator. in this mode, a single mediator can only mediate one server at a time.

MODE 3 - unilog

included with mediator is a small program called unilog. unilog is a listener (listens to logaddress) and writes the ip of the server the packet came from to a file along with the log line itself. in this mode, a single mediator can mediate multiple servers and the unilog can be shared with other programs (such as hlstats)

when mediator detects a kill, it updates the ratio of the player in an in memory database. once this ratio reaches a predefined value (set up in mediator.cfg) the player's C-D status is checked whenever a kill is made.  to do this, mediator simply checks for the presence of [No C-D] or [Old C-D] in the player's name.

if the player is not running C-D then a warning is given.  after a specified number of warnings, the player in violation is kicked from the server.

warnings and kicks are sent using KKrcon.

a player who is "required" to use C-D by mediator is placed in an on disk database.  when mediator is restarted, it loads this database into memory. so once a player is deemed a "good player", they are forever required to run C-D.  the number of warnings is also saved to this database, so you only get your warnings once.